
Hello, my name is Kieran. I want to share my personal account of the difficulties I’ve faced with a clinic that provides my critical prescription for cannabis. This story is more than just a narrative; it’s a glimpse into the struggles individuals like me undergo when systems fail to operate as they should, especially when it comes to managing mental health conditions.

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My Battle with Mental Health

From a young age, I have battled numerous mental health issues including anxiety, depression, PTSD, OCD, and BPD. I’ve been prescribed various antidepressants like Sertraline, Zopiclone, and Mirtazapine since I was 12. However, these treatments were not sufficient on their own, leading me to seek out prescription cannabis as an alternative.

Chronic Mismanagement at the Clinic

I am currently a patient at a UK Prescription Cannabis Centre, where I’ve experienced significant challenges in obtaining my prescribed medication. Between October and January, I often found myself rationing or completely out of my medication due to the clinic’s mismanagement. This included:

– **Inadequate staffing and infrastructure**, which seemed to stem from poor investment.

– **Unprofessional interactions** with a doctor who inappropriately referenced my past addiction and arbitrarily restricted my medication without any clear reasoning.

– **Prescription errors** by clinical staff who regularly issued the wrong medicine.

The Impact of Clinic Errors on My Life

The consequences of these errors were severe. I submitted my concerns in November and a formal complaint in October, only to face bureaucratic hurdles. Attempts to communicate with the clinic were frustrating; it often took up to an hour to connect with someone, only to be hung up on without resolution. My ongoing struggle to resolve this complaint has left me financially strained and has further deteriorated my mental health, forcing me to fend for myself more often than not.

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Kieran and his wife Michaela


This experience has been a taxing journey, one that has impacted every facet of my life. It underscores the critical need for reliable, compassionate, and professional healthcare services, especially for those of us dealing with complex mental health conditions. As I continue to seek resolution and advocate for better care, I hope my story will serve as a call to action for improved patient support and accountability in healthcare institutions.

By sharing these experiences, I aim not only to shed light on personal struggles but also to push for systemic changes that might prevent others from enduring similar hardships.

The post Navigating Healthcare Challenges: My Story at a UK Prescription appeared first on I Am Billy.