The German Cabinet has passed a bill for the first phase of adult-use cannabis reform, whilst demonstrating its commitment to harm-reduction and youth protection. 

On Wednesday, members of the German cabinet passed the draft of a bill which will see the country take its first steps towards cannabis reform. 

The bill, which still needs to be approved by parliament, will see cannabis removed from the Narcotics Act and regulated under the newly-proposed Cannabis Act (CanG), implementing the first phase of Germany’s revised two-pillar approach to adult-use legalisation. 

Pillar one of the Cannabis Act sets out the legislation for permitting private, non-commercial cultivation for adult personal use and through community associations or co-operatives.

It will see the legalisation of private cultivation of up to three plants, with possession of up to 25 grams no longer a criminal offence.

Cannabis use will remain prohibited for people under the age of 18, with restrictions on quantities and THC levels for those between the ages of 18-21. 

READ MORE: Germany’s draft law for first phase of cannabis reform – key takeaways

The bill is intended to address the country’s ‘failed drug policy’, reducing drug-related crime and curbing consumption, while ensuring the ‘long overdue’ decriminalisation of those who do choose to consume. 

Federal Minister of Agriculture Cem Özdemir, commented: “Today, this coalition has taken a significant step towards a progressive, realistic drug policy: the private cultivation, possession and use of cannabis will become legal for adults. The law ensures the long overdue decriminalisation of the numerous people who only use cannabis for their own use and at the same time finally strengthens the protection of minors. In this way, we take away the business basis of the street corner dealer and create safe, controlled and legal access to cannabis for adults with the cannabis clubs. 

“At the same time, we will prioritise prevention and health protection in order to educate our young people in particular about the risks and consequences of cannabis use. With the law, we create a balance between individual freedom and public provision.”

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Health Minister, Professor Karl Lauterbach and Federal Minister of Agriculture Cem Özdemir, gave a press conference on Wednesday. Photo: Phoenix/YouTube

‘Legal, but…’

The protection of children and young people is expected to be a central component of the legislation. 

With the cabinet decision, the Federal Ministry of Health launched its first prevention campaign to educate young people and young adults on the potential harms of cannabis consumption, particularly on the developing brain. 

The campaign, which will be based on the slogan ‘Legal, but…’, will feature across the ministry’s digital channels to highlight the ‘apparent contradiction’ between legalisation and the risks associated with consumption. 

Assets which have been made available via the Ministry of Health website include phrases such as: ‘Cannabis: Legal, but… not in the mood for a panic attack’; ‘Cannabis: Legal, but… I prefer broccoli’ and ‘Cannabis: Legal, but… dangerous’.

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Photo: Bundesministerium für Gesundheit (BMG)

Health Minister, Professor Karl Lauterbach, said: “The Cannabis Act marks a turning point in what has unfortunately been a failed cannabis drug policy. The aim is to push back the black market and drug-related crime, curb the dealing in adulterated or toxic substances and reduce consumer numbers. Consumption remains prohibited for young people, for young adults it should only be possible to a limited extent. 

“This restriction is necessary because cannabis is particularly harmful to the still-growing brain. In order to prevent adolescents from consuming anyway, we are already starting an information campaign. No one should misunderstand the law. Cannabis use is legalised. Still, he remains dangerous.”

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Health Minister, Professor Karl Lauterbach. Photo: Phoenix/YouTube

A new era for cannabis 

The news has been welcomed by many in the European cannabis industry as a ‘bold step forward’, despite some concerns that the restrictions on associations – such as being limited to ‘industrial zones -’ are ‘impractical’.

Responding to the news, Niklas Kouparanis, CEO and co-founder of German cannabis company, Bloomwell Group, commented: “There were no big surprises from the Cabinet meeting, and now, one thing is clear: the largest European economy in the heart of the European Union is ushering in a new era for cannabis. The legislation presented today is a turning point for cannabis regulations in the EU, setting a positive example of what’s possible for the rest of Europe and the world.”

The bill will now progress to parliament where the government will vote on whether it should be passed into law. However, with the three-party coalition government in power, Kouparanis suggested this is merely a formality.

He added: “Now that we’ve really gotten the ball rolling, it’s just up to the Bundestag to finally pass the law. With Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s three-party ‘traffic light’ coalition government, passing the law should be a mere formality, although some heated debates lie ahead in the coming days and weeks. But if the cannabis clubs included in the legislation open at the beginning of next year, that would be the point of no return – adult-use legalisation policies must continue.”

Details on the full regulations can be found here 

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Author: Sarah Sinclair