CBD guides: Can CBD help with cancer pain or nausea?

By |2022-02-04T15:52:55+00:004 February 2022|

To mark World Cancer Day, we examine if CBD could help to alleviate cancer pain, or the side effects of chemotherapy such as nausea. It is estimated that there are around 375,000 new cases in the UK every year, that’s around 1,000 every day cases of [...]

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World Cancer Day: How medical cannabis has helped in my cancer journey

By |2022-02-04T15:52:01+00:004 February 2022|

On World Cancer Day, Christine, a stage four cancer patient reflects on how medical cannabis has helped in her journey. I was first diagnosed with cervical cancer at the age of 30. The diagnosis came with a lot of complications, including being told that I wouldn’t [...]

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Patients and doctors highlight need for GP education on medical cannabis

By |2022-02-04T15:51:12+00:004 February 2022|

Patients and prescribers highlighted the need for GPs to be better educated on medical cannabis, at a meeting of the Scottish cross-party group. The Scottish cross-party group (CPG) on medicinal cannabis, held on Wednesday 2 February, saw patients and prescribers share the importance of educating UK [...]

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Why cannabis has been life-changing for my anxiety and chronic pain

By |2022-02-04T15:50:00+00:004 February 2022|

David Johnston, who was diagnosed with autism at the age of 49, says a new discreet cannabis vaping device has helped his anxiety and chronic pain. Fifty four-year-old David Johnston has a condition called Ehlers danlos syndrome (EDS), a disorder which affects the connective tissues that provide [...]

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