To mark World Cancer Day, we examine if CBD could help to alleviate cancer pain, or the side effects of chemotherapy such as nausea.

It is estimated that there are around 375,000 new cases in the UK every year, that’s around 1,000 every day cases of cancer. Some of the most common cancers include breast, lung, bowel and prostate.

There is growing interest in CBD and medical cannabis in the treatment of cancer pain or nausea.

We asked the experts if either could help with keeping symptoms under control.

How can CBD help with cancer pain or nausea?

Speaking with Cannabis Health, Dr Simon Erridge, head of research and access at Sapphire Medical Clinics explained how CBD may help.

“With respect to cannabis-based medicinal products, there is limited evidence of the role of cannabidiol (CBD) in managing nausea related to cancer. However, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) has a clear role in the treatment of nausea, specifically chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting,” he said.

“Dronabinol, which is THC created synthetically rather than derived directly from plants, is licensed for this indication. There are randomised controlled trials ongoing in the United States and Austria seeking to assess if Dronabinol has an effect in nausea or vomiting directly related to cancer itself rather than any treatment side effects.”


CBD may help cancer pain by treating inflammation. One study revealed that it may work by preventing the release of compounds responsible for inflammation in the body.

Tumour growth

An older study from 2012 revealed that CBD may prevent the spread of certain types of cancer. It was shown to potentially suppress the growth of cancer cells and accelerate their destruction.


One study reported that CBD may help to provoke cell death in brain cancers such as glioblastoma. It may make the glioblastoma cells more sensitive to radiation without affecting healthy cells.

A major UK trial, led by the University of Leeds, of cannabis-based drug Sativex in treating brain tumours. It will be launched at 15 different NHS hospitals following positive results from 27 patients in the first phase of the study. Phase 1 found that more glioblastoma patients were alive after one year in the Sativex group compared to those on the placebo.

Pancreatic cancer

A review focused on studies examining cannabinoids for pancreatic cancer found that it could potentially help to slow tumour growth, reduce tumour invasion and induce tumour cell death.

Cancer pain: could CBD gummies work?

Can CBD help with anxiety caused by a cancer diagnosis?

A diagnosis of cancer may cause a lot of anxiety for a patient or their family. CBD may help with combating feelings of stress, fear or anxiety.

One study from 2019 revealed that CBD significantly reduced symptoms in mice with anxiety.

What is the best type of CBD to take for cancer pain or nausea?

There isn’t a best or worst way to take CBD for cancer pain or nausea. It is worth examining what symptom you are trying to treat, how quickly you need CBD in your system and which way would work for you.

For example, if the cancer pain is in the throat, lungs or mouth then it could be difficult to vape or smoke CBD. It may even be difficult to take an edible. Patches, suppositories or topicals can all bypass the mouth, lungs or throat. Topicals can be applied directly to the area where it is needed but not internally. There are some internal products such as lubricants or suppositories which are designed to be used in those areas.

Nausea can make it difficult to face the taste of edibles, drinks or even oils. So patches, topicals or vapes can all be a good option for bypassing the digestive system or hemp taste.

How long does it take for CBD to work on cancer pain or nausea?

There is no set time for CBD to work in the system. It depends on the method used to consume the CBD as gummies will have a very different time compared to vaping.

In general, taking CBD by vaping, oils or suppositories is the fastest way to get a dose of CBD into the system. It is absorbed directly through the tissues in the lungs, mouth, vagina or anus. A good option for those with immediate pain or nausea in situations where faster relief is needed.

To get a slower release of CBD, it would be worth considering gummies, edibles or drinks. All of these need to pass through the digestive system before they are absorbed. This means a percentage of the CBD is lost this way too making it unclear how much we actually receive. One benefit to edibles is that they can cover the taste of oils which may be tricky if someone is feeling nauseated.

If it is impossible for someone to take any CBD orally then there are other options available. Patches can offer a slow release of CBD throughout the day which is great for anyone feeling nauseated or potentially struggling with pain. The CBD is absorbed through the skin into the bloodstream. It’s also a very discreet way to take it as no one needs to know what the patch is for or it can be applied to a part of the body out of sight.

How will I know if it’s working?

Chances are that it will start to work before you realise it. Small changes may happen like an improvement to your sleep, a brighter mood or even slightly less painful days.

Keeping a journal can help you to chart the amount taken, symptom improvement, the method used or any adverse side effects noticed.

Is medical cannabis helpful for cancer pain or nausea?

Medical cannabis is an option for cancer pain and nausea in the UK through private clinics. There are studies that show cannabis in combination with chemotherapy may help cancer patients.

It’s becoming an increasingly popular option. One study in the US found that almost half of US adults with breast cancer use cannabis alongside their cancer treatment to manage symptoms.

Dr Simon Erridge explained: “Cannabis-based medicinal products can be considered for the treatment of symptoms related to cancer or its treatment of patients have tried and failed to achieve an adequate response to first-line licensed treatments. The symptoms for which there is the greatest evidence is cancer-related pain, and chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting.”

Cannabinoids and mushrooms

Research conducted in Israel revealed that new products containing cannabinoids and medicinal mushrooms are up to six times more effective in killing cancer cells than existing treatments when used in conjunction with standard chemotherapy. The cell model study also revealed CannaboBreast products, developed by the biomedical company Cannabotech, could allow for decreased doses of chemotherapy, and therefore side effects while increasing the efficiency of the treatment.

CannaboBreast is based on a unique combination of cannabinoids and terpenes from the cannabis plant and functional mushrooms extracts. Results showed that the composition of cannabinoids and mushrooms improved the effectiveness in killing cancer cells sixfold, from 10 per cent mortality to 60 per cent.

Lung cancer and cannabis

A new case report in the British Medical Journal (BMJ), a patient who declined conventional lung cancer treatment, but began taking cannabis oil, saw her tumour shrink by 70 per cent over a two and a half year period.

The patient, who was in her 80s, began administering the oil which contained equal parts CBD and THC, two to three times a day without the knowledge of her doctors. Researchers write that MRI scans show the initial 41mm tumour in June 2018 had reduced to 10mm by February 2021, reflecting an overall 76 per cent reduction in size.

How do I know if THC or CBD will work better for me?

It is always best to discuss taking any new supplement or medication with your doctor or specialists. They can help you decide what may work best for you and they may be able to offer support in the case of any problems.

It can also help to speak to private doctors at medical cannabis clinics about the options available and if it could be prescribed to you.

CBD for cancer in dogs or cats?

Sadly, it’s not just humans who can experience cancer as our beloved pets can also develop it. While CBD is not legal for use with pets in the UK, it is in other parts of the world.

A small study published in the journal Animals reported that CBD-rich hemp nutraceuticals were found to be safe in a group of dogs. However, it also discovered cats had slower absorption rates and faster elimination. The researchers did note that there needed to be further research conducted.

The products do need to be zero-THC as it can be toxic for animals. The effect of THC in different animals can be down to breed, size or diet. Animals may have a reaction that includes symptoms such as becoming wobbly and uncoordinated. Pets may be become hyperactive, disoriented, or vocal. Their pupils may dilate, giving them a wild-eyed appearance, and they may drool excessively or vomit.

The post CBD guides: Can CBD help with cancer pain or nausea? appeared first on Cannabis Health News.