Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is a chronic pain condition that affects the trigeminal nerve, which carries sensation from your face to your brain.

Although it is rare, approximately 1 in 10,000 people develop this condition each year.

The main symptom of trigeminal neuralgia is a sudden attack of severe, sharp, shooting facial pain. The pain may last only a few seconds to a few minutes, but can occur repeatedly, during an attack. The pain is often described as excruciating, like an electric shock. The attacks can be so severe that you’re unable to move while they’re happening. Pain can also arise in other areas that are supplied by the trigeminal nerve, such as the cheek, jaw, eye and forehead.

Initially, it can present itself as short, slight pain, but TN can develop and have more enduring impacts, which can take the form of longer-lasting, more intense pain. The condition affects more women than men and is more likely to affect people who are over 50.

Helen, a patient at Integro Medical Cannabis Clinics, recounts her story from first using conventional medicines to receiving her medical cannabis prescription. Since then, she has seen a significant improvement in her quality of life.

At Integro Clinics, our doctors have seen the positive benefits that cannabis medicines can have in managing our patient’s symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia.

Trigeminal Neuralgia: Helen’s Story

Helen began to suffer from TN 15 years ago, which has meant that she has been unable to work since completing her master’s degree at university. Chronic back pain, which then spread up to her neck, triggered Helen’s TN, which began with agonising migraines.

Helen describes her pain as always starting on the left side of her face.

“Trigeminal neuralgia comes as a permanent headache around my left eye, it feels like I actually have pain in my eye. The pain spreads into my forehead and my jaw as well. It is a constant, mild pain, but if my neck gets stiff, or if I get stressed, it becomes a more severe pain. My TN means I’m light sensitive and I can only use the computer for short periods at a time. If I am looking at the screen for too long, my headaches get worse, and then as a result the pain in my face flares up.” – Helen

Helen was prescribed anticonvulsants by her doctor, such as pregabalin. She did not find that they eased the pain and they caused short term memory loss.

She added: “When I came off the pregabalin tablets, I realised that they had not actually helped me. I was still feeling the same pain as when I was on the medicine. The only thing that changed was that my short term memory started to get better.”

Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) : A glass pipette against a pink background. The pipette is filled with a yellow oil

Helen wanted to find an alternative way to manage her pain but did not want to suffer the side effects of using conventional medicines again. After searching through Facebook pages on TN, Helen found out that medical cannabis was legal and available on prescription and could actually help her without any horrible side effects.

“I eventually discovered that cannabis clinics existed on Facebook. I started as a patient at one clinic, but I soon realised that the oil they prescribed wasn’t working for me. So, I then became a patient at Integro and this is where I started to see the benefits of medical cannabis. The team at Integro really helped me to find the best combination of THC and CBD that works for me. I felt like I was listened to and they wanted to help me, rather than just seeing me as being a fussy patient.

The CBMP’s that I’m taking now has made a huge difference in my life. They relax the muscles in my neck which means that my TN is triggered far less than before. I also get a better night’s sleep which in turn reduces the symptoms of my TN. Even though the pain is still there, it’s much less severe, I can actually read a book or look at my computer screen for longer than I could before. Cannabis has really given me my life back.” – Helen

Chornic pain and cannabis

Dr Anthony Ordman, Senior Consultant at Integro Medical Clinics, has seen how cannabis medicines can help patients suffering from TN. The cannabis helps them to manage their symptoms and relieve their pain so they can get on with activities such as reading, or working on a computer screen

“In trigeminal neuralgia, nerve cells fire off in an uncontrolled way which sends pain signals to the brain, experienced as severe pain in the face and mouth.

“Only one conventional medicine will help, carbamazepine, which doesn’t always help completely. Cannabis medicines help to settle down the over-excited nerves and to dampen down their excessive firing. But then it also helps with the secondary effects of TN such as muscle tension, low mood, poor sleep and so on.”

He added: “At Integro Clinics, we aim to never cause any adverse effects or dependency, but the same can’t be said for conventional medicines. Integro Medical Clinics Ltd always recommends remaining under the care and treatment of your GP and specialist for your condition, while using cannabis-based medicines, and the Integro clinical team would always prefer to work in collaboration with them.”

If you would like further information or to speak to Dr Anthony Ordman please contact Integro Clinics:
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @clinicsintegro

Trigeminal neuralgia charities & organisations:

Trigeminal Neuralgia Association UK
Oral and Facial Pain
Facing Facial Pain

Read more: Integro Medical Clinic: living with and managing arthritis pain

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