JuicyFields aims to be a top-five producer of medical cannabis and high THC medical cannabis by 2025

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JuicyFields is a medicinal cannabis e-growing platform. Established in 2020, the company has expanded to more than 130K crowd growers and nine cannabis company partners all over the world.  The company’s partners operate in Costa Rica, Colombia, Denmark, Portugal, and South Africa among others. 

The medical cannabis and the medical cannabis industries are growing at a rapid pace. However, there is still room for more growth. JuicyField’s e-growing platform gives crowd growers an opportunity to connect with medical cannabis producers in expanding markets.

Crowd growing is based on the idea that the expanding medical cannabis industry has room for everyone, and should be able to benefit everyone, no matter where you are in the world. 

JuicyFields online

The company’s platform began in 2020 and has since then expanded to offer more than 130K e-growers the opportunity to grow cannabis online, simple, easy and 100% legal. 

An e-grower chooses a clone and watches it grow in his online greenhouse, once ready to be harvested, the e-grower can choose to sell their harvest to buy more plants or withdraw their profit from the platform. 

E-growers can earn anywhere from 68€ to 1200€ per cycle and the online greenhouse updates e-growers on the state of their clones in every stage. In addition, the company provides 24/7 customer service to its e-growers. Juicyfields’ has offices in Germany, Netherlands, Portugal, South Africa, Malta, and Spain and keep expanding rapidly. 

JuicyFields’ partners with established medical marijuana and medical cannabis producers. Partnering allows JuicyField’s operations to cover more than 150,000 sqm of land. Cannabis harvested totalled in excess of 37 tons of medicinal marijuana in the first half of 2021 alone.

JuicyFields: Alan Ganse the CEO of JuicyFields rests against a wall of hemp plants


Alan Ganse, founder and CEO says the growth has only begun:

Our major goal is to be listed in the top five cannabis producers by 2025 along with such giants as Curaleaf, Trulieve Cannabis, Canopy Growth and Green Thumb Industry. We aim to produce not less than 379 tonnes of cannabis and become the number one brand among psychoactive medical cannabis products.”

He adds:

The trends for legalising the medicinal cannabis itself as well as its production, export, and trading keep developing universally. This will lead to simpler procedures of obtaining licenses and as a result, accelerate the expansion of lands for own greenhouses. JuicyFields has already become a considerable influencer in the industry and will pursue its objectives further.” 

Alan continues: The trends for legalising the medicinal cannabis itself as well as its production, export, and trading keep developing universally. This will lead to simpler procedures of obtaining licenses and as a result, accelerate the expansion of lands for own greenhouses. JuicyFields has already become a considerable influencer in the industry and will pursue its objectives further.” 

JuicyFields has overcome many obstacles and boundaries that many thought were not possible. It’s already making the existing marijuana industry accessible. 

Log in to the online platform today to get more information about crowd growing with JuicyFields.

The post JuicyFields aims to be one of the top five producers of medical cannabis by 2025 appeared first on Cannabis Health News.