In a new research paper, mothers using medical cannabis to manage their health say it helps them to be ‘more present’ and ‘tolerant’ parents.
A new study, funded by the Health Research Council of New Zealand, has explored the experiences of mothers using medical cannabis to manage a range of health conditions.
Research around cannabis and motherhood has largely focused on perinatal outcomes and the potential risks of consumption during pregnancy.
As medical cannabis becomes more widely available around the world, women are increasingly taking advantage of access to alternative treatments, indicating a need to deepen our understanding of the wider effects this may have on their lives.
Researchers in New Zealand carried out interviews with 15 women, who had children between the ages of 4 -18 years-old, and were using cannabis either through the country’s medical cannabis programme, the illegal market, or both.
Their consumption ranged from multiple times a day to a minimum of three days a week, for a range of health issues such as anxiety, endometriosis and arthritis.
Participants who used cannabis to manage physical health symptoms such as ‘spasms, aching, and cramps’, believed they could be ‘more present for their children and attend to their needs’ with the ‘distraction of pain’.
Those with mental health and mood conditions, including anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress-disorder, and pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) said medical cannabis made them feel ‘calmer, more relaxed and less overwhelmed’ so they were better able to ‘communicate and connect’ with their children.
Some of the respondents told researchers that medical cannabis improved their ‘overall functioning’ and ‘ability to meaningfully engage in their lives’ and felt their children received better parenting as a result.
Read more: Cannabis and motherhood: “I can’t be a mum without medical cannabis”
Responsible consumption and ’empowering’ conversations
Alongside these benefits, all participants emphasised the importance of ‘responsible consumption’, such as planning their consumption around parental duties.
Mothers reported that the high costs of legal products meant they would occasionally have to ‘forgo their prescription to prioritise their children’s needs’, or limit the amount they consumed over a longer period.
However, many had ‘empowering conversations’ with their children about medical cannabis and felt it was important to instill ‘positive messaging’ about its therapeutic benefits, while making them aware that society may view consumers in a ‘negative way’.
“By engaging children in conversations about MC [medical cannabis], parents may be reflecting and contributing to shifting cultural attitudes that increasingly recognise cannabis as a medicine,” the authors say.
Societal stigma and ‘double standards’
The research also highlighted the unique risks that mothers face, particularly those accessing cannabis through the unregulated market. Fears included being labelled a ‘bad mother’ and losing custody of children.
Respondents felt that cannabis stigma was compounded by the ‘double standard’ society imposes on mothers. They highlighted the higher expectations and judgement women face compared to men in general, and how easily mothers can garner a poor reputation in society.
This was particularly prevalent among single mothers and those on low incomes, who felt they were going to be judged by others, ‘irrespective of their choices’.
The authors say the findings highlight the importance of developing guidelines to support open and honest discussions with healthcare providers about medical cannabis, as well as introducing policies that ‘address barriers’ for mothers in accessing legal products.
“This need is underscored by the unique risks mothers face when using illegal access routes for MC, such as discrimination in the legal system and losing custody of their children,” they conclude.
“As the global MC landscape evolves and women grow as a key demographic, future research should further investigate the nuances and complexities of mothers seeking and using MC and the impacts of MC use on parenting.”
The post Mothers Say Medical Cannabis Makes Them a ‘More Present’ Parent appeared first on Cannabis Health News.
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Author: Sarah Sinclair