Nearly 1 million Americans (many 45 and older) are battling the muscle spasms and pain that come with multiple sclerosis (MS). 

Turns out, up to 66% of them might be giving medical cannabis a whirl, according to a 2017 survey. And guess what? Many are dialing down on their traditional pharmaceutical MS meds. 

Fun fact: Folks with MS make up the second-largest group of medical cannabis users in the U.S.—chronic pain sufferers still hold the top spot.

There’s some solid science showing cannabis can ease those pesky MS muscle spasms. And the buzz doesn’t stop there, some researchers are eyeing a cannabis-based drug for MS relief.

Cue the innovative minds at MMJ International Holdings Corp! These trailblazers are cooking up a THC-and-CBD-packed gelatin capsule and are gearing up to test it for MS in the U.S. 

Fingers crossed for a big breakthrough soon!

The post How Prescription Cannabis is Shaping Up The Fight against Multiple Sclerosis appeared first on I Am Billy.