Prescribing medical cannabis could save NHS £4 billion each year

By |2024-10-23T03:07:38+01:0023 October 2024|

Increasing access to medical cannabis on the NHS for chronic pain could save the state healthcare provider almost £4 billion annually, according to a new research study published by the Cannabis Industry Council (CIC). The study, published in the peer-reviewed journal Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & [...]

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Germany Green-Lights Changes to Medical Cannabis Prescription Process

By |2024-10-23T03:07:12+01:0023 October 2024|

The majority of doctors in Germany can now prescribe medical cannabis for reimbursement without securing prior approval of the health insurance companies. It comes amid reports suggesting the German pharmacies are now key beneficiaries of the medical cannabis market, bringing in tens of thousands of euros [...]

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