Low doses of THC can reverse ageing in the brain, study finds

By |2024-08-28T03:14:24+01:0028 August 2024|

A study published in the journal ACS Pharmacology & Translation Science has shown that giving mice long-term, low doses of a key cannabis component can reduce the effects of ageing on the brain. In the study, researchers treated elderly mice with small daily doses of tetrahydrocannabinol [...]

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Ukraine legalises medical cannabis, but are PTSD patients being left behind?

By |2024-08-28T03:12:00+01:0028 August 2024|

Last week, Ukraine’s law officially legalising medical cannabis came into effect, eight months after initially being passed. Despite the positive progress, the list of diseases for which it will be prescribed, currently being decided upon by the Ministry of Health, does not yet include Post-Traumatic Stress [...]

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