Cannabis edibles improve sleep, relieve pain and reduce ‘chemo brain’ in cancer patients, study finds

By |2023-07-28T03:02:24+01:0028 July 2023|

A recent study from researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder has found that cancer patients using cannabis edibles experience improvements in pain levels, sleep quality, and cognitive function.  The research, published in the journal Exploration in Medicine, found that cancer patients buying cannabis-infused food products [...]

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Hemp cream, salve or balm – what’s the difference?

By |2023-07-26T03:07:38+01:0026 July 2023|

Hemp-based topicals are becoming increasingly popular, with an abundance of creams, balms and salves now on offer. But what’s the difference, and importantly, how do you know which is right for you? Topical hemp products have gained popularity in recent years among consumers looking to reap [...]

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Safety & Compliance in the Absence of Regulatory Clarity & Consistency

By |2023-07-26T03:07:34+01:0026 July 2023|

As the legal landscape surrounding cannabis continues to evolve, the creation of robust, sensible and consistent safety regulations remains stalled. A patchwork of broadly inconsistent state rules and regulations, along with years of federal inaction and policy stagnation have the potential to create significant risks for [...]

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Unpacking the New German Cannabis Reform Bill

By |2023-07-26T03:07:32+01:0026 July 2023|

Following the German cannabis reform movement is like watching a snowboard jump competition. We launch into the big jump with lofty promises, only to face the difficulty of gaining meaningful, immediate momentum at the bottom of the halfpipe. Nevertheless, we persevere through smaller political moves that [...]

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2023 Cannabis Supply Chain Virtual Conference

By |2023-07-26T03:07:30+01:0026 July 2023|

2023 Cannabis Supply Chain Virtual Conference Click here to watch the recording Agenda Cannabis Packaging Solutions: Navigating Regulations, Quality & Environmental Impact Jack Grover, Founder & CEO, Grove Bags In the cannabis industry, packaging regulations and quality standards play a pivotal role in ensuring consumer safety, [...]

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Cannabis-in-brief: families failed by UK policy, potential new cancer drug and promise for veterans

By |2023-07-22T03:03:58+01:0022 July 2023|

We bring you the news you might have missed from the week just gone. The top lines this week: Families say they have been failed by how access to medical cannabis has played out in the UK, while a new industry report calls for GP prescribing [...]

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UK company identifies potential new cannabinoid-based cancer treatment

By |2023-07-22T03:03:43+01:0022 July 2023|

A UK pharmaceutical company producing prescription cannabinoid medicines, has announced its expansion into oncology with the development of a potential ‘first in class’ cancer treatment.  Oxford Cannabinoid Technologies Plc (OCTP), which has been developing cannabinoid-based medicines since 2017, announced this week it is expanding its research and [...]

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Cannabis enhances ‘runner’s high’ during exercise, finds study

By |2023-07-21T03:00:45+01:0021 July 2023|

Consuming cannabis prior to exercise was associated with a more positive experience and an enhanced ‘runner’s high’, according to a new study. Despite the ‘lazy stoner’ stereotype often attached to it, recent research has focused on the use of cannabis during exercise or in aiding recovery.  [...]

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‘Important discovery’ made in search for non-hallucinogenic psychedelic depression treatment

By |2023-07-20T03:02:38+01:0020 July 2023|

Scandinavian scientists have produced evidence that could lead to the development of non-hallucinogenic psychedelic medicines for the treatment of depression.   A study conducted by researchers from the University of Helsinki, and published in the journal Nature, aimed to understand if psychedelics could help fight depression without [...]

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How allowing GPs to prescribe cannabis could ease the burden on NHS

By |2023-07-20T03:02:18+01:0020 July 2023|

Allowing GPs to prescribe cannabis would ease the burden on the NHS and drive down waiting lists, says a new industry report.  A new report from the Cannabis Industry Council (CIC) highlights how giving GPs the same rights to prescribe as specialist consultants would help reduce [...]

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Medicinal cannabis improves veterans’ quality of life and reduces substance use – study

By |2023-07-19T03:03:07+01:0019 July 2023|

A new study suggests that medicinal cannabis improves quality of life and reduces unwanted medication and substance use among veterans. In a new survey of over 500 US military veterans medicinal cannabis was found to improve quality of life and reduce unwanted use of other substances, [...]

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Cannabis use ‘significantly improves quality of life’ for US Veterans, study finds

By |2023-07-18T03:01:44+01:0018 July 2023|

Aiming to address substance abuse issues, as well as rising levels of poor mental and physical health amongst the 19 million strong US military Veteran population, scientists have recently published a study showing cannabis may help with many different symptoms experienced by those who have served [...]

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‘Our children have been left behind’ – How UK medical cannabis policy failed families

By |2023-07-18T03:01:00+01:0018 July 2023|

Five years on the parents of children who helped legalise medicinal cannabis are back at square one – forced to break the law to access the potentially life-saving treatment.  In 2018 Emma Appleby travelled to Holland with journalists from the BBC as she attempted to bring [...]

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Cannabis-in-brief: First ‘victory’ for medical cannabis in Ukraine, Scotland’s bold approach to drugs and pain comes out top in trials

By |2023-07-15T03:36:14+01:0015 July 2023|

We bring you the headlines you might have missed from the week just gone. The top lines this week: Politicians in Ukraine have given the green light to the first reading of a bill to regulate medical cannabis, while leaders in Scotland have been praised for [...]

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OPINION: Legal v legacy cannabis – how illegal use continues to impact the medical market

By |2023-07-15T03:36:02+01:0015 July 2023|

Safety and quality control sets prescribed cannabis apart from its illegal counterpart, says experienced horticulturist and head grower at Dalgety, Brady Green. Here, he discusses the difference between illegally cultivated and distributed cannabis and  regulated, pharmaceutical-grade medicinal products. According to ONS figures, 7.4% of 16- to [...]

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Five Ingredients for a Successful Cannabis License Application

By |2023-07-15T03:35:58+01:0015 July 2023|

In the rapidly evolving cannabis industry, in both new and emerging markets, securing a cannabis license is an essential step to establishing a successful business. However, navigating the application process can be complex, challenging and highly competitive. To help aspiring entrepreneurs and investors in this burgeoning [...]

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One-third of menopausal women in Canada use cannabis to ease symptoms, study finds

By |2023-07-14T03:12:15+01:0014 July 2023|

A recent study conducted in Alberta, Canada found that 34% of women in the age bracket associated with menopause currently use cannabis, and 66% have used cannabis previously. Researchers wished to investigate the use of cannabis to relieve menopausal symptoms due to a lack of data [...]

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Ukraine approves first reading of bill to legalise medical cannabis 

By |2023-07-14T03:11:58+01:0014 July 2023|

Politicians in Ukraine have approved the first reading of a bill that will see the legalisation of cannabis for medicinal use.  Officials voted to adopt the bill on regulating cannabis for medical, scientific and industrial use, at its first reading in the Verkhovna Rada [parliament] of [...]

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Legalising medicinal cannabis has little impact on recreational use, finds UK study

By |2023-07-13T03:02:10+01:0013 July 2023|

The change in law to permit the prescribing of cannabis for medicinal purposes has had little impact on recreational use, according to a new study.  In November 2018 cannabis was rescheduled to allow it to be prescribed for medicinal purposes in the UK, but until now [...]

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Clinical trials consistently show cannabis holds ‘promising potential’ for pain, says report

By |2023-07-13T03:01:50+01:0013 July 2023|

Pain is the most prevalent symptom treated in clinical trials on cannabinoids with cannabis-based medicines consistently showing ‘promising potential’ in this area, says a new report.  Despite a number of emerging areas of research, pain remains the most common indication to be studied in cannabinoid-related clinical [...]

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California’s Social Equity Fee Waiver – Late Is Better Than Never

By |2023-07-13T03:01:42+01:0013 July 2023|

In a move that Old Guard California Cannabis viewed with bittersweet appreciation, the Department of Cannabis Control on January 1, 2022 announced it would waive license fees for those cannabis companies impacted by the War on Cannabis. Many pre-2017 operators experienced persecution by law enforcement including [...]

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FDA, FTC Issue Warnings to Delta 8 Copycat Cannabis Companies

By |2023-07-13T03:01:34+01:0013 July 2023|

Last week, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) sent out warning letters to six different companies for selling copycat food products that contain Delta-8 THC. In a press release published on July 5, the FDA and FTC said they [...]

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Scotland praised for ‘bold and welcome’ proposals to decriminalise drug use

By |2023-07-12T03:14:51+01:0012 July 2023|

Scotland’s call for the decriminalisation of drug use has been welcomed by international experts in policy and public health, but the UK government is sticking with its ‘tough stance’ on drugs.  Scottish leaders say it’s time to start approaching drug use from a public health, rather [...]

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Half of UK population may benefit from medicinal cannabis, finds report

By |2023-07-11T03:08:18+01:0011 July 2023|

A new report suggests that up to 50% of the UK population could be eligible for a medicinal cannabis prescription, but less than 1% of those have been able to access one. The findings of a new survey have revealed that approximately 29.6 million people in [...]

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Cannabis-in-brief: Europe told to clear way for reform, Germany’s draft law and Spain’s uncertainty over medical access

By |2023-07-08T03:14:26+01:008 July 2023|

Each Friday we bring you the headlines you might have missed from the week just gone. The top lines this week: Officials in Europe have been told to clear the way for continental cannabis reform, as Germany publishes its draft law for the first phase of [...]

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Germany’s draft law for first phase of cannabis reform – key takeaways

By |2023-07-08T03:14:06+01:008 July 2023|

Germany’s Ministry of Health has published its draft law for the first phase of cannabis legalisation, with the hopes it will be passed by the end of 2023. Here’s our key takeaways. After months of speculation, and a few stumbling blocks, German officials have released a [...]

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Do indica and sativa labels matter when it comes to cannabis?

By |2023-07-07T03:17:47+01:007 July 2023|

Sponsored While the terms ‘indica’ and ‘sativa’ have been widely used to categorise cannabis products, there’s a push for the industry to adopt a classification system which is rooted in science and data, rather than perception.  If you have come across any cannabis-based products before it’s [...]

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Lex Pelger’s best of cannabinoid science: 9 new research studies

By |2023-07-07T03:17:14+01:007 July 2023|

Cannabis scientist Lex Pelger brings you the latest cannabinoid research with nine new studies exploring Tourette’s, multiple sclerosis, sleep and more. Lex Pelger is a biochemist specialising in cannabinoids and psychedelics. Here we share an extract from his newsletter, where each week he brings subscribers a [...]

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50% of people in the UK may be eligible for medical cannabis, survey finds

By |2023-07-06T03:22:20+01:006 July 2023|

A report published by Releaf suggests that half of the people living in the UK could be eligible for a medicinal cannabis prescription. The survey, conducted online in April 2023, sought to understand the conditions members of the public have been formally diagnosed with and their [...]

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Parliamentary motion calls for GPs to prescribe cannabis – ask your MP for support

By |2023-07-06T03:21:48+01:006 July 2023|

A new parliamentary motion is urging regulators to allow GPs to prescribe medical cannabis in the UK in the hopes of opening up access for patients. An ‘early day motion’ (EDM) has been tabled in Parliament calling for GPs to have the same rights to prescribe [...]

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European Commission told to clear the way for continental cannabis reform

By |2023-07-06T03:21:25+01:006 July 2023|

Via Business of Cannabis  Members of the European Parliament have called for the continent’s regulators to clear a pathway for wholesale cannabis reform. For the first time in its history the European Parliament held a debate on cannabis in a session called the ‘Legalisation of Personal [...]

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Hop Latent Viroid (HLVd) & Pathogen Diagnostics: A Comprehensive Overview

By |2023-07-06T03:21:18+01:006 July 2023|

Hop latent viroid (HLVd) has gained attention as the molecular cause of “dudding disease” and is causing significant economic losses in the cannabis industry.1,2 Estimates indicate that upwards of 4 billion dollars of market value are lost each year to this pathogen alone.3 The impact of [...]

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Navigating ISO/IEC 17025: Key Considerations for Cannabis Lab Software

By |2023-07-06T03:21:10+01:006 July 2023|

In some states, cannabis testing facilities must undergo a third-party audit as a condition for obtaining their license. This may involve obtaining an ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation, which requires an evaluation from a qualified auditor. Alternatively, some laboratories may undergo a voluntary audit in certain regions to [...]

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Building An Integrated Pest Management Plan – Part 6

By |2023-07-06T03:20:59+01:006 July 2023|

This is the sixth and final in the series of articles designed to introduce an integrated pest management framework for cannabis cultivation facilities. To see Part One, an overview of the plan and pest identification, click here. For Part Two, on pest monitoring and record keeping, [...]

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The doctor’s perspective: treating depression, anxiety and insomnia with cannabis

By |2023-07-05T03:13:24+01:005 July 2023|

In his latest article, consultant psychiatrist and cannabis clinician, Dr Tahzid Ahsan, explores the potential of cannabis in the treatment of depression, insomnia and anxiety.  Almost 80% of people I see in my medical cannabis clinic suffer from a combination of depression, insomnia or anxiety.  According [...]

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Women find cannabis helpful for menopause symptoms, finds survey

By |2023-07-05T03:13:00+01:005 July 2023|

Over a third of women surveyed for a new Canadian study report using cannabis to help them manage some of the common symptoms of menopause. According to new research, Canadian women frequently report consuming cannabis products to ease symptoms related to menopause. Despite a lack of [...]

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Spain: ‘Unfulfilled promises’ leave regulation of medical cannabis in jeopardy

By |2023-07-04T03:45:06+01:004 July 2023|

Patients in Spain have been left ‘devastated’ by ‘unfulfilled promises’, as the Health Minister confirms the country won’t see medical cannabis regulation before the upcoming election. Speaking to local media, Spain’s Health Minister, José Miñones, has said that the government is still working on the regulation [...]

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Cannabis-in-brief: Zelenskyy’s bid for medical cannabis, Luxembourg legalises home grow and calls to end ‘war on drugs’

By |2023-07-01T03:08:01+01:001 July 2023|

Each Friday we bring you the headlines you might have missed from the week just gone. The top lines this week: Officials in Luxembourg have approved a bill to legalise personal cannabis use and home cultivation of up to four plants, while President Zelenskyy says he [...]

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Luxembourg legalises home grow and personal use of cannabis – what you need to know

By |2023-07-01T03:07:47+01:001 July 2023|

Officials in Luxembourg have approved a bill legalising the cultivation and personal use of cannabis at home. Here’s what you need to know. On Wednesday 28 June, the Chamber of Deputies of Luxembourg voted to legalise personal possession and home cultivation of up to four cannabis [...]

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