Are cannabis consumers really more at risk of a heart attack?

By |2023-03-02T12:02:18+00:002 March 2023|

As new research links frequent cannabis use to an increased risk of heart problems, we look beyond the sensationalism and break down what you need to know.  According to a recent media reports, cannabis users are ‘up to a third more likely to suffer a heart [...]

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Exploring ancient psychedelics – Mandrake

By |2023-03-28T11:53:45+01:002 March 2023|

Mandrake. Perhaps you know it by some of its other names: Satan’s apple, Devil’s testicle, Circe’s plant. Or perhaps you thought it was just some fictional plant straight out of Harry Potter or some type of witches’ brew. You wouldn’t be too wrong about the last [...]

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Growing cannabis is not a crime, rules Italy’s Supreme Court

By |2023-03-28T11:53:46+01:002 March 2023|

In an important judgement that could have significant implications for the future of the country’s cannabis laws, Italy’s highest court of appeal, the Supreme Court of Cassation, has ruled that growing cannabis for personal use is not a crime. After hearing an appeal from a man [...]

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Major changes to improve patient care at UK cannabis clinic

By |2023-03-02T03:21:01+00:002 March 2023|

One of the UK’s most established cannabis clinics has announced some key changes as it takes steps to improve patients’ experience.  Lyphe Clinic, formerly known as The Medical Cannabis Clinics, will be making some significant improvements after conducting an internal review of the business over the [...]

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EMA call for cannabis research is ‘huge step’ in recognition of medicinal benefits

By |2023-03-02T03:20:42+00:002 March 2023|

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) is looking for scientific research to help it establish guidance on the medicinal use of cannabis flower. The EMA’s Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products (HMPC) is inviting industry, healthcare professionals, patients and government institutions from EU member states, to submit scientific [...]

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