Study finds little evidence cannabis ‘hangover’ affects performance

By |2023-02-08T03:45:54+00:008 February 2023|

The first scientific review examining the phenomenon of a ‘next day’ hangover caused by cannabis has found little evidence of impairment hours after consumption. While cannabis has been known to impair cognition and safety-sensitive task performance immediately after use, the question of impairment many hours or [...]

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EXCLUSIVE: Lack of ‘vital’ NHS data on cannabis medicines is ‘disappointing’ and ‘infuriating’

By |2023-02-08T03:45:35+00:008 February 2023|

New information has confirmed that no data has been collected through the NHS patient registry, which was launched in 2021 to help build the evidence base for cannabis-based medicines. Almost two years since the launch of the NHS cannabis patient registry in April 2021, Cannabis Health [...]

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From Seed to Storefront: Why Cannabis Retailers Should Know How to Cultivate

By |2023-02-08T03:45:30+00:008 February 2023|

There isn’t one simple formula that holds the secrets of success in cannabis branding, but there are some things that might give you an advantage. The possibilities of cannabis are endless and understanding the cultivation process can be incredibly advantageous to brands who want to become [...]

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France opens up debate on cannabis legalisation

By |2023-02-07T03:12:56+00:007 February 2023|

Advisory proposals for the legalisation of cannabis in France have been backed by some officials in the country who want to see a ‘public health approach’ to the plant. The Economic, Social and Environmental Council (Cese) of France has proposed a ‘supervised legalisation’ of cannabis, in [...]

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UK cannabis clinic Mamedica launches new access scheme

By |2023-02-07T03:12:48+00:007 February 2023|

Private cannabis clinic, Mamedica, has launched a new scheme to help veterans and those receiving government benefits to access cannabis on prescription. The initiative aims to make legally prescribed cannabis more accessible to those who may not otherwise be able to afford it, by offering its [...]

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Cannabis and cancer: everything you need to know

By |2023-02-04T03:39:44+00:004 February 2023|

From palliative pain management to the side-effects of chemotherapy, cannabis can support cancer patients in significant ways. Some studies even suggest that cannabis could help treat, and possibly prevent, certain types of the disease. Here’s what the science says. The statistics sound scary: one in two [...]

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Study: could cannabis help close the ‘orgasm gap’?

By |2023-02-04T03:39:36+00:004 February 2023|

Cannabis appears to increase sex drive and satisfaction, and may help close the gender gap when it comes to sexual pleasure, say those behind a new study.  Researchers at East Carolina University and North Carolina State University in the US have suggested that cannabis could help [...]

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Cannabis and ovarian cancer: continuing Michelle Kendall’s legacy

By |2023-02-04T03:39:17+00:004 February 2023|

A recent study found promising effects of cannabis in the treatment of ovarian cancer, offering a glimmer of hope to women across the globe. Cannabis Health spoke to Bruce Kendall and Professor Hinanit Koltai about the remarkable story – and woman – behind it.  Michelle Kendall [...]

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How to get a medical cannabis prescription in the UK

By |2023-03-28T11:54:26+01:003 February 2023|

On November 1st, 2018, the law in the UK officially changed to allow the prescription of cannabis-based medical products – known more commonly as medical cannabis. The reclassification of cannabis from schedule I to schedule II of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 meant that doctors [...]

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Cannabis based medicine to be prescribed on the NHS to people with rare genetic condition

By |2023-03-28T11:54:27+01:003 February 2023|

The NHS has announced that from Tuesday 1st February 2023 it will begin prescribing cannabis-based medicine to patients in England with a rare genetic condition named tuberous sclerosis complex, (TSC). Changes to the guidelines have been allowed by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, [...]

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Exploring ancient psychedelics – Datura

By |2023-03-28T11:54:27+01:003 February 2023|

In our last piece on exploring ancient psychedelics, we travelled back in time to visit the ancient Egyptians, who used the blue lotus as a sleep aid, aphrodisiac, and more. This time, we won’t be going back quite as far. Instead, we’ll be exploring the lesser-known [...]

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Hundreds of drug driving convictions could be overturned due to testing error, police announce

By |2023-03-28T11:54:28+01:003 February 2023|

Nearly 1,800 drivers facing a conviction for drug driving could have the results of their test withdrawn from evidence, due to a serious error at a testing lab used by the police.  Problems with samples tested by Synlab Laboratory Services between April 2019 and December 2020 [...]

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Does cannabis lower testosterone levels?

By |2023-03-28T11:54:29+01:003 February 2023|

Countless rumours have been circulated regarding the potential effects of cannabis for as long as humans have consumed the plant. From perceived medicinal benefits to health risks, we’ve heard it all. In many cases, there is little evidence to support these claims – whether they are [...]

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UK to ban Nitrous Oxide in plan to tackle anti-social behaviour

By |2023-03-28T11:54:29+01:003 February 2023|

Ministers are reportedly preparing to ban the sale and possession of laughing gas in England and Wales in an attempt to clamp down on antisocial behaviour.  The plan would likely place laughing gas, otherwise known as nitrous oxide, in the same drug classification as cannabis, resulting [...]

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Does cannabis affect how we dream?

By |2023-03-28T11:54:56+01:003 February 2023|

We humans are fascinated by dreams. Think about it: how many times has someone struck up a conversation with you – whether a family member around the breakfast table or a colleague in the office – seemingly itching to tell you about their “weird” dream? Even [...]

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Long-term cannabis use does not negatively impact health, Spanish study finds

By |2023-03-28T11:54:57+01:003 February 2023|

Results produced by a study that analysed data from 600,000 Spanish residents who regularly consumed cannabis indicate that long-term cannabis use does not contribute to the deterioration of health. Using indicators that were specifically designed to give an accurate picture of health, researchers analysed survey responses [...]

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Can you give CBD to children?

By |2023-03-28T11:54:58+01:003 February 2023|

Rarely do questions of medical efficacy show up on the radar of public awareness. In most cases, the majority of us are quite happy to put trust in the hands of the experts. But every now and then, a trend is bucked, and a new phenomenon [...]

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Smoking cannabis not linked to high blood pressure finds study involving over 4500 people

By |2023-03-28T11:54:58+01:003 February 2023|

By examining data provided by 4565 people, researchers at the Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago found no association between smoking cannabis and a higher likelihood of developing high blood pressure, otherwise known as hypertension. Data supplied by both cannabis users, who represented 19% [...]

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How are consumers using CBD? 7 key trends in Europe

By |2023-02-03T03:06:37+00:003 February 2023|

A new report offers a hopeful picture of the current and future CBD landscape in Europe. We explore how, when, and why (or why not) people are using CBD products. CBD-infused products are popping up everywhere, from your local grocers to the high street pharmacy. The [...]

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New platform gives doctors tools to prescribe cannabis outside of specialist clinics

By |2023-02-03T03:06:18+00:003 February 2023|

A new online platform has been designed to overcome some of the issues preventing wider access to medical cannabis in the UK, by enabling doctors to prescribe independently of clinics.  Script Assist, which has been developed by the team at cannabis healthcare company, Sana Healthcare, aims [...]

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Malta’s cannabis club model to launch end of February – what you need to know

By |2023-02-03T03:06:01+00:003 February 2023|

Authorities in Malta have announced the details of its cannabis social club model, which is due to launch at the end of the month. Here’s everything you need to know. After an initial delay following the landmark legalisation of adult-use cannabis in 2021, the Maltese Authority [...]

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Cannabis associated with long-term reduction in opioid use – study

By |2023-02-02T03:13:04+00:002 February 2023|

Medicinal cannabis was associated with a reduction in daily use of prescription opioids among chronic pain patients. A new study suggests that medical cannabis products were associated with substantial long-term decreases in the daily use of prescription opioids among patients living with chronic pain. With opioid-related [...]

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NICE recommends Epidyolex for treatment of tuberous sclerosis complex

By |2023-02-02T03:12:39+00:002 February 2023|

The CBD-based drug, Epidyolex, will now be prescribed through the NHS for the treatment of seizures related to tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC). From 1 March 2023, patients living with TSC will have access to the cannabinoid-based treatment, Epidyolex, through the NHS, following a new recommendation from [...]

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Anticipating the Ebbs and Flows of Seasonal Retail Cannabis Sales

By |2023-02-01T03:30:40+00:001 February 2023|

Like any industry, cannabis can experience ups and downs, especially when it comes to a doors-open retail business. Dispensaries that operate in towns or cities that attract tourists experience this more than anyone, seeing sales spike during the busy months and reach lows during the off-season. [...]

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