CBD inhaler reduces lung cancer tumour size, study finds

By |2023-03-28T11:54:25+01:008 February 2023|

Scientists have published a study showing a reduction in the size of lung cancer tumours in mice after the administration of cannabis in the form of a CBD inhaler. Researchers involved in the study report that the tumours reduced in size due to the CBD preventing [...]

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Study finds little evidence cannabis ‘hangover’ affects performance

By |2023-02-08T03:45:54+00:008 February 2023|

The first scientific review examining the phenomenon of a ‘next day’ hangover caused by cannabis has found little evidence of impairment hours after consumption. While cannabis has been known to impair cognition and safety-sensitive task performance immediately after use, the question of impairment many hours or [...]

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EXCLUSIVE: Lack of ‘vital’ NHS data on cannabis medicines is ‘disappointing’ and ‘infuriating’

By |2023-02-08T03:45:35+00:008 February 2023|

New information has confirmed that no data has been collected through the NHS patient registry, which was launched in 2021 to help build the evidence base for cannabis-based medicines. Almost two years since the launch of the NHS cannabis patient registry in April 2021, Cannabis Health [...]

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From Seed to Storefront: Why Cannabis Retailers Should Know How to Cultivate

By |2023-02-08T03:45:30+00:008 February 2023|

There isn’t one simple formula that holds the secrets of success in cannabis branding, but there are some things that might give you an advantage. The possibilities of cannabis are endless and understanding the cultivation process can be incredibly advantageous to brands who want to become [...]

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