Three peer-reviewed pre-clinical studies and one clinical study have been selected to be presented at the IACM conference which explore the benefits of CBD.

The clinical research focuses on the delivery of a CBD preparation to patients with Vestibulodynia (VBD), which is a prevalent form of chronic genital pain in women with no standard treatment. 

The randomised placebo control study of 60 patients showed significant improvement of outcomes on pain, dyspareunia (genital pain before, during or after sex), pelvic muscular tone and neurometer parameters, which highlights implications for its anti-inflammatory, anti-nociceptive action and anti-neuropathic therapeutic potential. 

Read more: Promise for CBD as treatment for post-operative pain

The preclinical research that will be presented focuses on the potential positive impact of CBD on the treatment of several psychiatric disorders and inflammatory disease, the therapeutic potential for migraine pain and trigeminal excitability related to migraine.

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The papers will be presented by chief scientific officer of Curaleaf Holdings , Dr Barbara Pacchetti Curaleaf Holdings, and will be published in the official Conference Proceedings Journal Medical Cannabis and Cannabinoids.

Pacchetti commented: “We are very pleased with the findings from our clinical study on the delivery of CBD to treat patients with VBD, and that it is showing a significant improvement in pain outcomes for patients. 

“Additionally, the preclinical research on the therapeutic potential of CBD to treat a number of other indications is also encouraging and I look forward to presenting this to the scientific community and to furthering our research into the potential for CBD. 

“We believe the growth and understanding of medical cannabis must be underpinned by the most robust science. 

“Curaleaf International is working with some of the world’s leading academic institutions such as Imperial College, the University of Milan and University of Insubria and we look forward to further updating all stakeholders with our progress.”

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