CDPHE Certifies More Labs for Hemp Testing

By |2022-06-23T05:36:59+01:0023 June 2022|

Aurum Labs, a cannabis testing laboratory based in Durango, Colorado, announced last week that they have become certified by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) for all of the compliance testing required for hemp products. The press release says they are the first [...]

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Pennsylvania Recall Overturned by State Courts

By |2022-06-23T05:36:54+01:0023 June 2022|

Back in December of 2021, The Pennsylvania Department of Health sent emails to registered medical cannabis patients, notifying them of a safety review being conducted on ingredients found in cannabis vape products. Then in February this year, the state’s health agency sent a third email. This [...]

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2022 Infused Products Virtual Conference: June Program

By |2022-06-23T05:36:51+01:0023 June 2022|

2022 Infused Products Virtual Conference: June Program Sponsored by Millipore Sigma, Berlin Packaging and Cannabis Safety & Quality (CSQ) Click here to watch the recording Agenda Elevating Edibles: Defining the Next Cannabis Experience Sam Rose, Director of Operations, Herve Attendees will learn during this session: Luxury [...]

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