Study shows inhaled CBD may help to shrink tumours and prevent growth

By |2022-01-05T09:27:07+00:005 January 2022|

A study on the inhalation of CBD has shown it may provide anti-cancer activity in animals with glioblastoma. The researchers studied the effects of CBD on the highly aggressive form of brain cancer. Glioblastoma can form in the brain or spinal cord. It can occur at [...]

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Could CBD help to reduce anxiety and phobias?

By |2022-01-05T09:26:24+00:005 January 2022|

Phobias are some of the most common forms of anxiety disorders. We ask if CBD could help reduce some of the symptoms. Phobias can include more common fears such as heights, spiders, flying or more unusual ones such as  beards, chickens, clouds. Their response can be [...]

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Everything you need to know about CBD vaporization

By |2022-01-05T09:25:47+00:005 January 2022|

Medical cannabis experts Kanabo break down the confusing terminology of vaping CBD and explain everything we need to know. From e-cigarettes to vaping, vaporization is a term with many aliases. It’s no wonder some people find it confusing For some, it’s a hobby. For others, it’s [...]

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Emerald Holding Acquires MJBiz for $120 Million

By |2022-01-05T09:25:38+00:005 January 2022|

In a press release sent out today, Emerald Holding, Inc. announced they have completed their acquisition of MJBiz for $120 million. Emerald Holding, Inc. is a large, publicly traded business-to-business events producer and content conglomerate with a number of publications and events in industries like design, [...]

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Aurora Cannabis Delivers Largest Shipment to Israel

By |2022-01-05T09:25:37+00:005 January 2022|

Aurora Cannabis Inc. sent out a press release today announcing that they have completed their largest shipment of cannabis to Israel yet. The Canadian company says the shipment of medical cannabis is worth roughly C$10 million, making it their largest shipment and possibly the largest cannabis [...]

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Connecticut Seeks to Change Microbial Testing Regulations

By |2022-01-05T09:25:35+00:005 January 2022|

As of now, there are only two cannabis testing labs in Connecticut. Last year, regulators in the state approved a request from AltaSci Labs to raise the testing limits for yeast and mold at their lab from 10,000 colony forming units per gram (cfu/g) up to [...]

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