A new study has revealed that cannabis consumption is associated with lower obesity rates among patients with hepatitis B.

The study on obesity rates assessed the relationship between cannabis use and body weight among 3,700 patients diagnosed with hepatitis B virus (HBV).

Obesity study

Researchers, associated with the National Institute of Health in France, reported that the patients with a history of cannabis consumption had a 59 per cent lower risk of central obesity (measured on waist circumference) than those who did not use it. Cannabis consumption was significantly associated with a lower risk of being overweight.

13 Future studies should test whether these potential benefits of cannabis and cannabinoid use translate into reduced liver disease progression in this high-risk population.”

Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is a liver infection caused by a virus that can be passed on through blood and body fluids. It may not cause any obvious symptoms in adults and can pass in a few months. It may over time cause liver damage.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimated in 2019 that 296 million people were living with chronic hepatitis B infection. It also reported there were approximately 1.5 million new infections each year. In the same year, hepatitis B was responsible for an estimated 820 000 deaths, arising from cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma.

Some studies show that the hepatitis B vaccine may not work in patients struggling with obesity. Obesity may also place a further strain on the liver.

CBG and obesity

Another recent study from 2021 revealed that CBG may help in the fight against obesity alongside CBD.

The researchers synthesised three different CBG derivatives, HUM 223, HUM 233, HUM 234. In animal tests, they discovered that HUM-234 may offer potential as an obesity treatment drug.

Mice were divided into groups for the study; one given just a high-fat diet (HFD), another given an HFD and CBG then one given an HFD and HUM-234. The researchers discovered that in comparison to the other groups, the mice on HUM-234 gained weight much slower and their livers were in a better condition with less fat build-up.

The researchers wrote: “The high-fat diet mice showed liver steatosis while the HUM 234 treated mice livers revealed almost no steatosis. The livers of the mice on CBG showed almost the same levels of steatosis as those on the high-fat diet.”

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