In a first for the sector, WHSmiths is now stocking CBD products – aimed at helping commuters destress during rush-hour.

The major retailer, renowned for its travel stores in railway stations and airports up and down the country, is now stocking CBD edibles for the first time.

WHSmiths is the latest high street retailer to snap up Cheerful Buddha – the first CBD edible product to successfully list with the chain.

hexo: A banner advert for Always Pure Organics CBD business support

It will stock all three flavours of Cheerful Buddha’s CBD dark chocolate bar, at 120 of its travel stores, so commuters can benefit from CBD’s wellness properties on-the-go.


Earlier this year, the brand was chosen as the best natural and flavoured CBD chocolate by experts in the 2021 Beauty Shortlist Wellbeing Awards and recently became the first CBD chocolate bar to win a 1 Star Great Taste Award by the Guild of Fine Food. 

WHsmiths stock CBD chcocolate

Cheerful Buddha claims that many of its Trustpilot reviews state that its products enabled consumers to enjoy what would usually be unpleasant, anxiety-filled situations, like rush hour congestion, crowded underground trains or long flights.

CEO James Wright says: “Cheerful Buddha was founded in 2019 with the goal to harness health-enhancing goodness found in nature and infusing this into easily consumed food and drinks, so our chocolate really is the perfect travel partner. 

We’re delighted with our WH Smith listing. Knowing that thousands of commuters will benefit from reduced stress and happier journeys really pleases us. 

“Our Great Taste Award win goes to show that our wellness products are able to compete with the very best luxury food & drink brands. We use only the very best ingredients and the finest chocolate makers, to ensure our chocolate is a luxurious treat whilst offering all the health-giving properties of the best quality CBD.” 

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