The plant actually produces over 120 cannabinoids with some being equally as impressive for certain issues. Browns CBD explains how CBG and CBD combine for the ultimate entourage effect.

By now you will have surely heard of CBD – the hemp-derived compound that has a plethora of health benefits and is incredibly safe to use.

Another important cannabinoid is CBG (Cannabigerol). This cannabinoid is commonly referred to as the ‘mother of all cannabinoids’ as it is the original molecule that most other cannabinoids are synthesized from.

In simple terms, hemp produces CBGa (the acidic form of CBG) in earlier stages of growth which is then converted within the plant into cannabinoids such as THCa, CBDa & CBCa. This can be seen in the diagram below.

CBD and CBG: a diagram showing the different cannabinoids

CBG tends to be more expensive than CBD due to the fact that most varieties of hemp yield very low levels of CBG. And crops need to be harvested earlier to obtain significant levels of CBG for extraction. However, new CBG rich varieties of hemp are being developed to achieve greater yields.

CBD and CBG benefits

Studies on the benefits of CBG are fairly limited when compared to those of CBD, but there is some very promising preliminary evidence. Anecdotally, we have found customers to be very impressed with its calming effects on a range of issues.

CBG interacts with the endocannabinoid system differently from CBD. For those of you who don’t know, the endocannabinoid system is a significant bodily system made up of endocannabinoids, cannabinoid receptors and enzymes. This system is involved in the proper maintenance of a wide range of bodily functions.

CBD indirectly interacts with these receptors, whereas CBG directly acts upon them. It is through this differentiation of interaction that we believe CBG can have different effects from CBD. A quick search on Google will highlight what these can be.

CBD and CBG: A brown bottle of CBD and CBG oil

Our CBG Hemp Oil is rich in CBG, but also in CBD. It has a 1:1 ratio of CBG to CBD in order to have the most significant impact on the endocannabinoid system. Furthermore, it contains both CBD and CBG in its acidic forms and a wide range of additional cannabinoids and terpenes.

Due to the huge variation of compounds within this product, it tends to have more pronounced effects than standard CBD oils of the same strength. Customers tend to be surprised at just how effective it is with the seemingly low 3 per cent concentration.

We believe this is due to the ‘entourage effect’ which is a phenomenon where compounds interact synergistically which results in stronger effects for the user. This has been demonstrated in several studies.

If you are interested in learning more about our CBG Hemp Oil and other effective products, head over to our website today –

Read more: CBD guide – what’s the best way to take CBD?

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