A new CBD brand, Love MeMeMe has hit 1.7 million views on TikTok by sharing their hashtag, #metheloveofmyownlife.

The brand offers a range of gender-neutral, self-care CBD beauty items including lip balms, hair masks and body butter. The brand is aimed at Gen-Z consumers rather than millennials or baby boomers.

As part of a marketing campaign, Love MeMeMe partnered with TikTok influencers to launch the products. Liana Jade, Miah Carter, Max Ragan, Chloe Rose, Bobbie, Elvira Styles and Hani Hans endorsed the brand on the platform. Each one of the influencers explained what self-love means to them and what their self-love tips are.

The range combines not just CBD but active ingredients such as retinol and Vitamin A and E. The bright colourful packaging is not only eye-catching but the price point is easily accessible with products starting at £8. There are nine products in the collection which launched this week.

Gen-Z marketing

Gen-Z consumers who are described as those born between 1997 and 2012. This explains the TikTok focus, it is estimated that by the end of this year, there will be more Gen-Z users on TikTok than on Instagram with 37.3 million Gen Z users. Although Snapchat is one of the biggest platforms amongst this age group, it is thought that the brand will overtake it by 2023.

It’s working for Love MeMeMe who have gained 1.7 million views on the platform in just under a week.

Gen-Z: A group shot of cosmetics together. The packaging is pink and red with a purple logo

Gen-Z CBD use

These aren’t unusual figures for Gen-Z who are described as the first wave of truly digital native consumers. They aren’t just used to consistent connectivity but also, CBD and cannabis consumption is becoming normalised.

In the US, a recent study from a Seattle-based cannabis data brand, Headset revealed that Gen-Z is the fastest-growing segment of the cannabis industry. In the past year, sales to Gen-Z surged by 127 percent with the biggest percentage among females. This is an even bigger amount when compared to sale increases among other generations. Millennial sales increased by 46 percent, Gen X increased by 29 percent and baby boomers by 5 percent.

Headset noted: “This demographic will continue to drive exponential growth, so it’s important to pay attention and understand their preferences.”

The same study also showed that Gen-Z prefers to smoke cannabis with only 10 percent spending money on other ways to consume CBD. This is down from 15 percent for other generations. They are also less brand loyal as well with only 20.6 percent preferring to stick to one brand.

Read more: CBD beauty sales soar: What does it actually do?

The post New Gen-Z CBD beauty brand launches with 1.7 million views on TikTok appeared first on Cannabis Health News.