Could the endocannabinoid system and CBD help with treating SAD?

By |2021-09-08T17:09:53+01:008 September 2021|

A paper in the Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry has examined the potential of the endocannabinoid system to play a part in treating SADs.  Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is a common psychiatric disorder. People with SAD have an excessive fear or anxiety of social situations where they [...]

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New Gen-Z CBD beauty brand launches with 1.7 million views on TikTok

By |2021-09-08T12:39:31+01:008 September 2021|

A new CBD brand, Love MeMeMe has hit 1.7 million views on TikTok by sharing their hashtag, #metheloveofmyownlife. The brand offers a range of gender-neutral, self-care CBD beauty items including lip balms, hair masks and body butter. The brand is aimed at Gen-Z consumers rather than [...]

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