2021 Cannabis Labs Virtual Conference: December Program

Sponsored by ANAB, Hardy Diagnostics and MilliporeSigma.

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Cannabis Laboratory Accreditation Panel

  • Tracy Szerszen, President & Operations Manager, PJLA
  • Mohan Sabaratnam, Vice President, IAS
  • Kathy Nucifora, COO, COLA
  • Chris Gunning, General Manager for Accreditation Services, A2LA
  • Aaron Biros, Editor, CannabisIndustryJournal.com

In this session, the panel answers attendee questions related to ISO 17025:2017 accreditation for cannabis testing labs. Learn some of the common challenges labs face when seeking accreditation and learn about sampling protocols, security issues, statements of conformance, calibration and much more.

TechTalk: ANAB

  • Melanie Ross, Technical Products Developer, ANSI National Accreditation Board

R & D Lab Testing: Ensuring Success with Results

  • Mark Carter, president of MC Squared Enterprises

Learn how R&D lab testing can help you, prepare for compliance batches, successfully launch new products and amp up your quality control.

TechTalk: MilliporeSigma


USDA’s Hemp Testing Rules Have Changed: Accelerate Your Lab’s Preparedness

  • Arun Apte, CEO, CloudLIMS

This presentation takes a deep dive into understanding the requirements for USDA hemp testing, the operational changes hemp testing laboratories need to make to comply with the new hemp testing rules and the regulatory compliance framework and quality standards the testing labs need to meet.

TechTalk: Hardy Diagnostics

  • Jessa Youngblood, Food & Beverage Market Coordinator, Hardy Diagnostics

Bringing a National Hemp Testing Panel to Market

  • Josh Wurzer, Co-Founder & President, SC Laboratories

Without clear direction from the FDA, states are filling the void by developing their own quality standards and testing requirements for hemp derived CBD products. Unlike their THC based counterparts, hemp derived CBD products are being sold across state lines raising the demand for a single testing panel that will be compliant in every state. Attendees will learn:

  • The current state of regulations nationally
  • The issues that hemp product manufacturers need to be educated on to ensure compliance,
  • The challenges labs face in offering customers a truly comprehensive panel.

Click here to watch the recording

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