Medical cannabis doesn’t impair cognitive function – study

By |2023-11-30T03:04:07+00:0030 November 2023|

A new study suggests that cannabis, when used as prescribed to manage a chronic health condition, does not negatively impact cognitive function. These new findings are said to contribute a vital piece to the puzzle in assessing the safety and efficacy of medical cannabis treatment, especially [...]

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Recreational cannabis closer in Germany with ‘softer rules’ for legalisation in 2024

By |2023-11-29T03:09:06+00:0029 November 2023|

The final draft of Germany’s cannabis legalisation bill was agreed upon yesterday after negotiations took place between members of the coalition government, paving the way for Germans to be allowed to use cannabis for recreational purposes in the Spring of 2024. Amendments to the bill were [...]

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Ukraine’s medical cannabis legalisation delayed by opponents

By |2023-11-29T03:06:28+00:0029 November 2023|

Via Business of Cannabis  Ukraine’s bid to legalise medical cannabis appeared to be on the cusp of a significant breakthrough this week, but defeat was snatched from the jaws of victory and the bill has now been effectively ‘blocked’. Despite widespread support throughout the country, including [...]

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Cannabis more ‘advantageous’ than conventional sleep aids

By |2023-11-28T03:01:39+00:0028 November 2023|

Cannabis is perceived to be more ‘advantageous’ than conventional sleep aids, with many consumers ditching them altogether, a new study has found.  Most people who reported using cannabis to get a good night’s rest in a recent study have quit using over the counter or prescription [...]

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Four20 Medical Cannabis Products Launched in the UK via Rokshaw

By |2023-11-25T03:02:00+00:0025 November 2023|

Rokshaw can today announce the exclusive UK manufacture and distribution of medical cannabis products under the Four20 Pharma brand. In line with market growth and patient demand, Rokshaw has bolstered its extensive range of medical cannabis, supplying Four20 Pharma products now available for private prescription in the [...]

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The potential of Medical Cannabis in diabetes management

By |2023-11-25T03:01:46+00:0025 November 2023|

In a new extract from the Principles of Cannabinology Handbook, Viola Brugnatelli and Fabio Turco, explore the evidence for, and against, the use of medicinal cannabis in diabetes management. Diabetes is a complex and pervasive condition characterized by hyperglycemia, or elevated blood glucose levels. There are [...]

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Japan takes major step towards cannabis reform

By |2023-11-24T03:05:39+00:0024 November 2023|

Via Business of Cannabis Japan, one of the world’s strictest and most hostile countries in regard to cannabis, recently took a major step towards reform, potentially providing a major boom for the country’s CBD industry and opening the door for the establishment of a medical cannabis [...]

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Cannabis consumers demonstrate greater empathy, finds study

By |2023-11-23T03:02:00+00:0023 November 2023|

A new study has found that regular cannabis consumers demonstrate a greater empathy towards others, highlighting a new pathway of therapeutic potential. In the study, which was published in the Journal of Neuroscience Research, psychological assessments indicated that people who regularly use cannabis tend to have [...]

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Four things to know for properly dosing oral cannabis formulations

By |2023-11-22T03:02:02+00:0022 November 2023|

As oral cannabis solutions become more popular, Michael Sassano CEO and founder of SOMAÍ Pharmaceuticals, explains how to get the most out of your product by dosing correctly. In Europe, there is a good chance you will try an oral cannabis solution and not like it. [...]

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Teen cannabis use in US remains near record lows despite further legalisation

By |2023-11-21T03:02:46+00:0021 November 2023|

Teenagers in America are reporting levels of cannabis use close to the lowest on record according to data gathered from the 2022 Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) National Survey on Drug Use and Health. There are 24 states in America that now have fully [...]

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South Africa passes bill to legalise cannabis possession and home grows

By |2023-11-18T03:02:56+00:0018 November 2023|

The South African National Assembly has passed The Cannabis for Private Purposes Bill, five years after it was first introduced. The bill, which can only be made into a law once signed by the President, will permit adults to use and cultivate cannabis at their home, [...]

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Roadmap for the legalisation of psychedelics set out by drug policy group Transform

By |2023-11-17T03:07:37+00:0017 November 2023|

Guidelines for the regulation of psychedelic drugs have been detailed in a new book published by UK-based drug reform charity Transform. Their proposals lay out a plan for the regulation of what they call the ‘non-medical’ or the recreational use of psychedelic drugs such as LSD, [...]

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MPs call for children with epilepsy to get medical cannabis on NHS

By |2023-11-17T03:04:53+00:0017 November 2023|

Cross-party MPs have called on ministers to deliver a clear funding pathway to allow medical cannabis to be prescribed on the NHS. Several MPs have signed a letter to the Prime Minister urging him to ‘finish what was started’ and give children with incurable epilepsy medical [...]

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House prices rise significantly faster in US states with legal weed

By |2023-11-15T03:04:48+00:0015 November 2023|

American homeowners in states where recreational cannabis is legal have seen the price of their houses increase by an average of 41% compared to homes in states where it is not legal, according to a report. Analysis of house prices from 2014 to 2023 by Real [...]

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Salford councillor moves ‘unprecedented’ motion to protect city’s cannabis patients 

By |2023-11-15T03:01:54+00:0015 November 2023|

Salford City Council will vote this week on an ‘unprecedented’ motion designed to protect medicinal cannabis patients from discrimination. The motion, moved by independent councillor, Andrew Walters, puts forward a number of proposals to raise awareness of the legality of medical cannabis and protect those in [...]

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What can the UK learn from other medicinal cannabis markets?

By |2023-11-14T03:04:02+00:0014 November 2023|

While the UK medicinal cannabis market shows evidence of a promising future for healthcare and the economy, it is still in its infancy when compared with other countries.  James Leavesley, chief operating officer and Brady Green, head grower at Midlands-based cultivator Dalgety, discuss how these other markets [...]

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Access Scheme for UK Military Veterans at Sapphire Clinics

By |2023-11-11T03:05:07+00:0011 November 2023|

At Sapphire Clinics, we see patients with a range of conditions – such as chronic pain, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and anxiety. We also have a growing number of patients suffering from these conditions who are military veterans. With a special nod to those who have [...]

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Exploring the potential of Medical Cannabis in cardiovascular diseases

By |2023-11-11T03:02:42+00:0011 November 2023|

As the world of Medical Cannabis continues to unfold, shedding light on its diverse therapeutic applications, there’s one area that deserves a closer look – cardiovascular diseases. In this article, we explore the pages of The Handbook Principle of Cannabinology by Viola Brugnatelli and Fabio Turco, [...]

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Phytovista Laboratories Celebrates as a Natural CBD Supplement is Approved for Informed Choice Certification

By |2023-11-10T03:01:23+00:0010 November 2023|

Phytovista Laboratories, a leading provider of cannabinoid and medicinal product analytical testing services, proudly announces its instrumental role in helping a renowned CBD supplement client become the first product with naturally derived CBD as its primary ingredient to receive approval for Informed Choice certification. The Informed [...]

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Legalising cannabis hasn’t made roads any less safe, finds study

By |2023-11-10T03:01:03+00:0010 November 2023|

New findings shed light on the relationship between cannabis legalisation and road safety in the United States.  Analysis of data from states that legalised cannabis in 2016 found that traffic fatalities remained stable or decreased in the three years following legalisation, as compared to a slight [...]

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Magic mushrooms could help people recover from childhood trauma, study results show

By |2023-11-09T03:02:42+00:009 November 2023|

Psilocybin one of the key psychedelic compounds in magic mushrooms, has been the subject of another scientific trial to investigate its potential use as a medicine to improve mental health outcomes. In the study, published in the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, authors from different universities in [...]

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First Jersey-grown medicinal cannabis product to hit UK market

By |2023-11-09T03:00:14+00:009 November 2023|

The first Jersey-grown, non-irradiated, medicinal cannabis product is to be available on prescription for UK patients this month. In what marks a new milestone for the European cannabis sector, medical cannabis company KHIRON Europe, will bring the first cannabis-based medicine produced on the island of Jersey [...]

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France takes major step towards medical cannabis generalisation

By |2023-11-08T03:01:41+00:008 November 2023|

Via Business of Cannabis  Following months of uncertainty and doubt, thousands of medical cannabis patients in France can now breathe a sigh of relief after the government finally confirmed that access to their treatment will continue. On Monday, October 23, the government tabled an amendment to [...]

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Your Medicinal Cannabis Companion Arrives

By |2023-11-04T03:01:29+00:004 November 2023|

Canndr® Debuts at The 2023 UK Medicinal Cannabis Awareness Week, the patient-centric platform powered by patients who deserve clarity, information and protection of their rights. On a pivital Medicinal Cannabis Awareness Week, celebrating the fifth anniversary of the legalisation of medicinal cannabis prescriptions to UK patients, [...]

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Role of terpenes in cannabis smell ‘overemphasised’ study suggests

By |2023-11-03T03:04:52+00:003 November 2023|

The results of a recently published study show that minor compounds known as VSCs, and not terpenes are the main reason that cannabis projects such a strong smell.  New data published in the American Chemical Society’s journal Omega shows that minor non-terpenoid compounds, although accounting for [...]

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Medical cannabis in the UK – November 2023 marks the five year anniversary

By |2023-11-03T03:04:28+00:003 November 2023|

Today marks 5 years since medical cannabis was rescheduled in the UK, making it available for eligible patients. A lot of progress has been made, with thousands of patients in receipt of a medical cannabis prescription, but there is still a lot of work to do [...]

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UK Patients Gain New Pain Management Options Through Innovative Partnership Between BRITISH CANNABIS and Kanabo Group’s Treat It Clinic

By |2023-11-03T03:02:51+00:003 November 2023|

In a landmark new collaboration, the CBD by BRITISH CANNABIS™ range of pharmacy-quality CBD food supplements is set to become available on prescription to pain patients for the first time in the UK.  BRITISH CANNABIS™ is proud to announce its partnership with Treat It, a pioneering [...]

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Medical cannabis in the UK – November 2024 marks the five year anniversary

By |2023-11-02T03:06:48+00:002 November 2023|

Today marks 5 years since medical cannabis was rescheduled in the UK, making it available for eligible patients. A lot of progress has been made, with thousands of patients in receipt of a medical cannabis prescription, but there is still a lot of work to do [...]

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Five years of medical cannabis, five NHS prescriptions – how did we get here?

By |2023-11-02T03:04:02+00:002 November 2023|

On the day that we mark the fifth anniversary of the legalisation of medical cannabis in the UK, we look back at the last five years.  1 November, 2018 was a day of celebration for patients and their families across the UK.  Following the high profile [...]

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MDMA assisted therapy effective in reducing the symptoms of PTSD

By |2023-11-01T03:03:11+00:001 November 2023|

MDMA, known to many around the world as the rave drug ecstasy, can be more effective at treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) when paired with talking therapy than treatments that are currently available to patients, according to a study recently published in the medical journal Nature.   [...]

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CBD Calm: What are the benefits of terpenes in wellness products?

By |2023-11-01T03:02:22+00:001 November 2023|

CBD Calm explores why choosing a product that contains additional terpenes may offer a broad spectrum of potential benefits.  CBD Calm specialises in creating pure-strength CBD products that consumers can really benefit from. Each product is expertly crafted in-house by their pharmaceutical scientists to ensure purity, [...]

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Europe’s first legal cannabis dispensaries to open under sixth Swiss pilot

By |2023-11-01T03:02:10+00:001 November 2023|

Europe’s first legal cannabis dispensaries are expected to be open by the end of the year as Switzerland launches a sixth adult-use pilot project. The Swiss Institute for Addiction and Health Research (ISGF) and Sanity Group have received the final approval from the Federal Office of [...]

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